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Packer for lease test

nki Blandford is a seasoned packer having competed through preliminary successfully. He has been leased out as a confidence booster for the last 6 years to different types of riders who all agree that they have gained tremendous amounts of confidence on cross country with their experiences on him. He doesn’t stop, run out or do naughty things. His dressage work is consistent and fun to ride. Stadium is his least strong suit and would be most successful with a rider who cares about the details and is a rider who can wait for a fence. He doesn’t hold grudges, so if you can’t wait and you still want to have fun on XC, he won’t care the least! Especially if ice cream is involved!

doesn’t require maintenance and can live in or out. Easy keeper (I know, right!!!?) and travels like a champ. He’s always down for a good adventure and is the trusty steed you know has enough sense to get you home where the food is!!

he can be strong but still safe for a junior rider with experience. Willing to do whatever levels his rider wants, but pays more attention the trickier it is.


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